About the Guild
What We Do

Our organization of over 100 men and women is proud to actively support the Colorado Symphony through fundraising events, activities and parties. We are especially proud of our financial support for the Symphony’s Youth Concerts which bring the joy of classical music to school children throughout the Denver-Metro area.
Among its ongoing volunteer activities is operation of the Symphony Guild Gift Shop at Boettcher Hall, the only source for that special music-oriented gift for you or a friend. Preparing and serving lunch to the orchestra at Boettcher Hall on “all-day-rehearsal days” is a popular activity, planned and staffed by Guild volunteers. The musicians appreciate it, and Guild members enjoy the opportunity to get acquainted with the musicians we usually see only on stage and to honor them for their talent and dedication!

Our annual Bridge event for Guild members and friends offers a day of Bridge and other games, a luncheon, and a fashion show presented by local shops. Participants often leave with a new addition to their wardrobe!
Three to four times during the season, the orchestra opens dress rehearsals to Guild members at no charge. These popular events draw many members from throughout the city and often are followed by a no-host luncheon at a nearby restaurant or a catered lunch at Boettcher Hall. Space permitting, Guild members also are welcome to attend the Symphony’s Youth Concert during the year. The admission charge of $5 helps support school children’s attendance at the concerts.
Individual Donations to The Symphony Guild allow individuals to support aspects of the Symphony’s operation in which they have a particular interest. For example, donations to the Guild’s Golden Circle Fund, in memory of or in honor of an individual, purchase music for the Symphony.
The Board of Directors
Officers of the Guild are elected at the Guild’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon in May. At this event, in addition to good food and a good time, members enjoy presentations by our fabulous Colorado Symphony musicians.
The Board of Directors meets quarterly to manage the business of the Guild, address emerging issues, and plan future events. The Board publishes a Roster containing names and contact information for all members, a listing of scheduled events, the Guild’s By-Laws, information about the symphony’s administrative staff and Board of Trustees, and other useful information.
The Guild Chapters
The Guild is organized into chapters on a roughly geographic basis for the convenience of members. In addition to these chapters there is a General Member category. General Members do not meet on a regular basis but enjoy all Guild privileges and attend Guild functions. New members are asked to select one of the chapters or to join as a General Member, and membership in multiple chapters is possible.
Chapters vary in size. Each chapter has its own officers and the Chapter Chairman serves on the Guild’s Board of Directors. All chapters meet monthly from September through June. A typical agenda includes a business meeting, a social with full brunch or coffee and pastries supplied by chapter members, and a musical or educational program arranged by the chapter’s Program Chair. Some chapters meet at members’ homes and some at other locations such as a community clubhouse or a convenient restaurant. A new chapter, consisting of at least 12 members and created in a new geographical area, may be established with the guidance of an experienced Guild member.
Click here for more information on Guild Chapter locations.
If you would like additional information, please contact us.
Consider membership in the Colorado Symphony Guild. Volunteering is an opportunity to support the Symphony while sharing your love of music with people of similar interests!